A comparator can actually be seen as a logical output circuit that can be used as a logical "decision." In other words, it compares the input signal to a defined reference level. The comparator's logic output function helps users design analog circuits with a variety of additional features. The CAT6A 10Gig UTP modular jacks provide transmission performance beyond 500MHz and Alien Crosstalk requirements exceeding the industry standards set by ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 for supporting the operation of 10Gig Ethernet applications (10GBASE-T). It is designed with a shielded termination cap which minimizes additional AXT from neighboring connectors. It also features twisted pair separation posts which minimize the untwisting of pairs to allow for efficient installation and long-term peak performance. The modular jacks are also backward compatible supporting current CAT6, CAT5e, and voice network applications. CAT6A Keystone Jack,Keystone Jack CAT6A,Cat6a Jack,Keystone 6a NINGBO UONICORE ELECTRONICS CO., LTD , https://www.uniconmelectronics.com
The basic architecture of the comparator and most of the parameter properties are similar to op amps. Therefore, the operational amplifier can also act as a comparator. However, amplifiers are not specifically developed for comparison functions, and the amplifier's data sheet generally does not guarantee that this function can be implemented normally. The biggest difference between an op amp and a comparator is that the comparator is an open-loop design with no feedback, and the output shows the polarity of the differential input signal over any of the rails.